New chapter

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roller bearing FEM mises stress in PrePoMax
Roller bearing with Mises stress animated in PrePoMax

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve had less time to post interesting things on this blog. This is because has become a side job, as I now work full-time as a research associate at Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES).

I am starting into the research topic of ring creep on main bearings of wind turbines. Within the new project “WEA-RiWa: Prediction of the ring creep tendency of rolling bearings in wind turbines” we will be compare simulated data with measured data. So I am now working in a wide field of FEM simulations around this topic.

If you are interested in ring creep you can check the informative paper “Simulative investigation of ring creep on a planetary bearing of a wind turbine gearbox“. We will do similar simulations for the main bearing in the future. A first publication of my work at IWES is on the way.

For that eye catching show case I prepared a simple mesh in Mecway. And made a small calculation with the free solver CalculiX to show the type of these interesting bearing simulations.

roller bearing FEM mesh in Mecway
Mesh prepared in Mecway

These calculation is completely independent from my work at IWES and was made in my free time. It should once again show what is possible with the free solver CalculiX.