Happy New Year 2024

Number 2024 created in FreeCAD and calculated in the FEM workbench in FreeCAD

Thanks to all for a crazy year 2023 and say hello to the new year 2024. May it be even more colorful and exciting than the FEM calculation of the numbers in FreeCAD. I reused…

Bicycle steel frame in Mecway

Modal analysis of a bicycle in Mecway

I was looking for a way to calculate beams for one of my own projects. As PrePoMax does not yet support beams, so I have started in FreeCAD. Beams worked reasonably well in FreeCAD, even…

I went into the mesh

My picture meshed from fine to coarse with Gmsh (upper) and calculated in Calculix (lower)

A post from Diego Magela Lemos on LinkedIn got me. He used the great work from Prof. Christophe Geuzaine to create a mesh from a picture in Gmsh. I already used Gmsh before to convert…

Happy Easter

Easter egg in FreeCAD FEM workbench - Displacement of an Normal mode rotating

I have found an Easter egg in FreeCAD. And thanks to FEM workbench in FreeCAD, the egg is even colorful. It was not so easy to find, because who actually knows how an egg is…