I have found an Easter egg in FreeCAD. And thanks to FEM workbench in FreeCAD, the egg is even colorful. It was not so easy to find, because who actually knows how an egg is…
Tag: CalculiX
a free and open-source finite-element solver that uses an input format similar to Abaqus
Steel wheel in PrePoMax
Keep the wheels turning. A steel wheel with shell elements has been on my list for a long time. In the past, I always had only aluminum rims with solid elements in the simulation (see…
Wind turbine hub calculation in Fatlab (PrePoMax results)
Finally, my CalculiX interface in Fatlab now works also for more complex results from PrePoMax. The following video shows a complete fatigue calculation run of a simple hub in Fatlab with PrePoMax (Calculix) results. I…
FreeCAD FEM results in Fatlab
If you have a simple model and load you can directly use FreeCAD FEM workbench results in Fatlab. In the previous post I had introduced the newly implemented interface to use CalculiX results in Fatlab…
PrePoMax / CalculiX results in Fatlab
I show my first implementation of a model and unit stress interface for PrePoMax / CalculiX results in Fatlab. Now I am able to import the calculated FEM mesh model from the CalculiX ccx input…
Wind turbine hub calculation in PrePoMax
I would like to calculate the finite element stress of a 5MW wind turbine hub for a fatigue calculation in Fatlab and I came across PrePoMax. PrePoMax is an open-source pre- and postprocessor for an…
Happy New Year
Thanks to all for a successful year 2022 and say hello to the new year 2023. May it be even more colorful and exciting than the FEM calculation of the numbers in FreeCAD.
Merry Christmas
This year I created my own Christmas decoration. My Christmas tree was growing in FreeCAD and was colored with the integrated FEM Workbench. I wish everyone Merry Christmas. I used FreeCAD (https://www.freecadweb.org/) to build up…